Katherine i have to thank you for asking me this question because it got me thinking about how great he really is. while coming up with a answer to tell you i realised he is a whole lot greater than what i thought. See God sent his one and only son to die for everyone in the whole wide world and because he choose to die for us all our sins are forgiven. See before God sent his son to die for us everyone who sinned wasnt forgiven. God is great because he can do things that no man can. He can work miracles. Like i know a couple that were going through problems and the husband was an alcoholic and the wife was a christian. She prayed everynight that things would get better and for several months nothing happened. She was beginning to lose hope but she knew she couldnt get a devorse because the bible says you shouldnt get them. The man yelled at her and he just didnt treat her with respect. But yet she still went to church twice a week. She prayed everynight until finally she just broke down and cried out to the lord for help and the next day the lord answered her. the husband said he was sorry and wanted to go to marriage councelling. By the next month things were going very well. See the Lord works in mysterious ways and he didnt accually answer her like with his voice he changed the husband. O and there is a very famous bible story that it was jesus and three other men and they wanted to get inside this store to see this blind man but there was such a crowd that they couldnt get through. so his men went onto the roof and cut a whole in the roof and lowered jesus down into the crowd and right by the blind man. the next thing everyone knew was jesus was healing the blind man. then in the next minute the once blind man was up and seeing again. I really wish i could tell you more but there is just so many things to say and you cant possibly say it all in a livejournal comment. i would be happy to sit down with you and tell you more. if you want to just tell me and i can make arragements and all. Samantha would love to join in too if you would like. if you ever have any questions just ask me or even Samantha we would be glad to answer them.
i understand what the bible says and stuff, but how are you sure? that god is there and listening? how do you keep your faith? i've had so much taken away from me recently that i have to wonder and everything..
i would love to sit down with you and samantha, because i'm sick of being in the dark with religion and everything.
Because God is always there he has a purpose for everything that he does. Even if it isnt something good that happened. you just have to pray that he will show you what he is trying to tell you. I will talk to Sam about it and we will arrange a time when we can. what do you want to do just go to samanthas house or what?
so yeah i just read this im love how i was just brought into this and had like no idea what was going on but its cool as a christain it is my responsibility to share the word of christ i have never had this opportunity before so its very new to me i would absolutley love to get together with ya'll and just talk katherine, i dont want this to seem like im pushing our religion on you, because im not even though i hope that you will have an open mind to what we have to say
i would love to sit down with you and samantha, because i'm sick of being in the dark with religion and everything.
im love how i was just brought into this and had like no idea what was going on
but its cool
as a christain it is my responsibility to share the word of christ
i have never had this opportunity before so its very new to me
i would absolutley love to get together with ya'll and just talk
katherine, i dont want this to seem like im pushing our religion on you, because im not
even though i hope that you will have an open mind to what we have to say
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