(no subject)

Jul 12, 2004 04:23

Not a whole lot has been happening lately. It's been fine though spending time with family, niece, nephew and the like. I haven't been to any stores (besides the grocery store earlier) in like weeks. I kinda miss that but I've been all right with it. I used to go stir crazy by not going anywhere, heh, but it's cool now especially since we have no money to spend anyway. Luckily not much has been coming out in the form of CDs or DVDs lately so that helps. Although one wrestling PPV is out (although I'm not sure if I'm going to get it anyway, it was the sucky sounding Judgment Day) and another one is coming out this Tuesday. I think I'll be okay though. heh

My nephew has been here the past coupla days. He's fun to be around and makes everyone laugh and feel good the whole time he's here. He's constantly running and walking around. I think he's gonna be like a track star or something. He's fast too. He'll be two in just a few months now. Jeesh. We had both him and my niece yesterday. That's like thunder and lightening crashing. Both of them was hyper too. My lord. But we got through it and actually got rid of both of them at the same time. My nephew's mom *spits* came and got him and she took my niece with her so she could see her dad. (I really feel like spitting talking about those two people, my nephew's mom and my nephew and niece's dad but I won't go into that.)

My mom and I stayed up late last night watching a coupla movies on TV. I love doing that. Love watching movies with people, so much more fun that watching them alone. We watched some movie on Lifetime (I know most of those are stupid but my mom loves em) about a guy who killed his wife's mother because he was supposedly sleep walking. We caught the end of that one. Then another on some channel with Valerie Bertanelli in it. Innocent something. I can't remember the name but it was wild. She had like split personality and obsessive-compulsive disorder and all kinds of things. She was seriously fucked up. In the end she shoots some kids in a classroom and tries to poison people with iodine in boxed juices and in cookies she made. Freaky stuff. Valerie played that part so well though. I mean you would believe that that was actually happening as you watched it. If she didn't get an award of some kinda for that (I duno when it was made) she should have.

Speaking of my mom she's gonna have to go back to work around the 21st or so of this month. They're making her or she's gonna lose her job. I think that's so stupid. If the doctor doesn't feel she's better, they shouldn't make her go back. ugh. When she goes back though I think she's gonna be put on light duty or whatever so...who knows. I just hope her knee is gonna be all right.

I watched the Braves game earlier today and I'm so proud of them! They've worked their way all the way up to 2nd place, just one game back from being division leaders. They're definitely hot. Too bad they have to cool down for about 4 days since it's the All-Star break. The second half of the season starts back up on Thursday. Here's to hoping they can continue on winning. I so want them to keep winning the division title, getting into the playoffs, world series and finally winning the championship. That'd rock! Especially since everyone had them counted out with less star power and all the injuries. Go Braves! Kick their asses. :P

Then tonight I watched DVDs. I was just gonna watch one then I started watching another. Was trying to watch DVDs from that stack I have of 'DVDs bought but not watched'. That's such a bad habit cos if I pay a lot of money for a DVD and it don't work and I wait until a month or two later to watch said DVD then I'd be up the creek and out of money.

Either LJ or hotmail has been jerking me around lately by either not sending me my comments or giving them late. So if I've commented to you and you haven't heard back to your reply, most likely chalk it up to me not getting it. I usually reply to all comments I get. Speaking of comments, heh, if I left you a comment tonight and it was all chatty and wordy and weird forgive me cos I'm about to go to bed and I'm kinda hyper and sleepy so the words are coming fast while at the same time not making sense. Sorry. But hopefully you'll get the gist of the comment.

I'm finishing up the book The Rules of Attraction. I'm gonna have to watch the movie again after reading it. Not sure what book I'll start next. Either the Tom Dolby book or one of the paperback books I have in the 'not read yet' stack. I'm such a procrastinator. And apparently I'm a chatty procrastinator. :P

I've been thinking about starting up a community for baseball and other sports for gay guys. Not sure if there are any of those types of communities or not. I don't know why I'd want to do another community though. I'm bad enough with my other communities. I've been thinking about giving up Gay Guys Rock though to someone that might know a better thing to do with it. So if you think you might want it, you probably could talk me into giving it to you. I need to start back posting to WWE For Us but there haven't really been a whole lot of people joining it. We've had the same people there since it first started but not many people are posting and stuff. I need to figure out how to get more people there. There might be more interest in a gay baseball/sport community. who knows.

Jesus I typed a lot. I know most of you have just skimmed through it. That's okay (bastards). ;)

With that I'm off to read Vengeance Results and then bed.
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