[the company: PROFILE]

Oct 17, 2010 15:05

OOC Information
Name: Shaz
Personal Journal: scissorbite 
AIM/MSN/IM: fizzy feel good

IC Information
Name: Will Kruger
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Vocal type: Tenor (untrained)

Appearance: Will is blessed with an excellent metabolism: he lives on mountain-sized portions of the most disgusting takeaways known to man but manages to continue looking as thin as a rake. He’s undeniably twitchy; as a chronic smoker he can always be seen fiddling with something. For someone as lazy as Will he is constantly moving: he taps his feet, he fiddles with his cigarettes, he pulls at his hair… Will never stands still and has no time for self-restraint.

Will definitely looks the part of a vagrant musician: he’s always unshaven and his hair doesn’t look like it’s been cut in a few years. Secretly it takes Will a great deal of effort to look this dishevelled.

Background: Will is a self-confessed vagrant but he’d be the first to admit that he came from a very stable background. As a young boy he was sent to boarding school and until his teenage years he secretly enjoyed the life. Will started taking classical guitar lessons at a young age, fuelling a love for music that would later become an intense passion. When puberty hit he began to develop a rebellious streak and soon found himself on the wrong side of every teacher and authority figure in the school. Against the wishes of his parents he walked out of the school with his guitar under one arm and a suitcase under the other. Luckily Will found refuge with a sympathetic uncle and quickly adapted to an exciting new life of freedom after the controlling, strictly time-tabled life of boarding school.

Will’s uncle was a fellow music nerd and as a session guitarist for a local radio station he made a meagre living by his art, something he supplemented by giving guitar lessons to local kids. Will often sat in on his sessions and lessons, learning modern techniques that he’d never been introduced to in his classical lessons at school. He developed and honed his skills at the radio station his uncle worked at, receiving a wide musical education that he’d never dreamed could have existed in the narrow strictures of his classical lessons.

Never really feeling the need to settle down and find himself a stable career, Will took his guitar and hit the road after having lived and worked with his uncle for three years. Aged 20 he travelled up and down North America, hitchhiking from city to city and dropping in at various venues and jazz clubs to offer his services as a guitarist. He found a few bands to temporarily play for here and there but nothing permanent ever sprung up: this suited Will’s wandering nature and he never chose to make a home in any of the big cities he visited.
Busking was a natural way for Will to fund his way around America. To be able to turn up at any given street corner and earn a few dollars doing something that came so naturally to him made Will happier than any other kind of career possible.

Unfortunately for Will he never saw the point in getting a public performance license. Or a fixed abode. Neither of these things seemed to sit well with the police, who dealt Will a formal warning after he was caught illegally busking without a permit in Capital City.

Struggling to pay the heavy fine that came with his warning, Will sadly began looking around for a “proper” job. Fearing that he’d end up having to cut his hair and buy a suit, he desperately hoped to find a job as a musician… and after seeing an advert in a local music rag calling for pit players for a local drama company it looked like his prayers had been answered.

Personality: Will is a vagrant, and very happy about it. He struggles with committing himself too deeply to anything be it a place, a person, a job or even a feeling. He’s flaky, even when it comes to his beloved music. He’s well-practiced in avoiding commitments and will employ every tactic known to man to escape having to sign his life away to anything. He’s badly organised - but not by accident. He purposefully keeps everything in his life fluid and loose in order to give him maximum flexibility when it comes to doing what HE wants to do rather than what anyone else expects of him.

He has a problem with authority figures, namely that they keep trying to pin him down and curb his wandering. Some might call him self-centred and selfish; Will prefers to think of himself as an independent spirit incapable of being tied down by the feelings of other people.

However, Will isn’t an entirely bad person. Sure, he places more importance on his own happiness above everyone else’s - but he still cares deeply for those around him. He considers himself an entertainer and will work hard to raise the spirits of those around him with a song or a joke. He’s relaxed and easy-going, never taking offense and always with a kind word to say about everyone. He will sit down and talk with just about anyone and everyone who says hello and will often make friends with people very easily. He never judges and will always be ready with a sympathetic ear to anyone who comes looking for it.

Strengths: Will is clearly a very talented guitarist, capable of playing a variety of styles on a wide array of instruments. He can turn his hand to pretty much any kind of guitar, from a mandolin to a double bass. He can read and write classical stave notation and can pick out a decent tune on the violin and the piano. His voice is untrained but undeniably good and he’s written several original songs of his own composition. Despite his flakiness, he’s often considered a good friend by those who know him. He can definitely drink you under the table and has a brilliant poker face.

Weaknesses: Will’s inability to commit himself to anything is his biggest weakness: he skips out of rehearsals; fails to meet people at arranged times; and generally does things his own way. He’s laid-back to the point of laziness and has a hard time mustering up the ability to give a damn about what other people think of him. He’s strangely superstitious and has a ridiculous fear of the dark.

the company

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