(no subject)

Dec 23, 2006 15:29

ok... 10 facts about sofia:
1. I drink no other kind of juice other than grape juice
2. I like to keep my body weight at an exact 100 lbs. idk why...
3. I'm Mexican, and I'm scared of losing my ability to speak fluent Spanish.
4. I love blueberry muffins the best =]
5. I have fantastic best friends, a wonderful boyfriend, and my "best friend for lyffee" is my sister. And that's not weird, i love it =]
6. I'm short, but it doesn't bug me ONE BIT,
7. I love working out; I love the burning pain in your muscles after you run for an hour.
8. I hate talking on aim, but I still do to keep in touch.
9. I'm nocturnal.
10. My dream college is Minneappolis College of Art and Design.

tag, you're it! now post an entry telling all of us 10 facts about yourself!
gasmask00000, shavarshavrash, and sadierain
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