Jun 10, 2009 11:25
I just ordered Taco Best... it's not TB by a long shot but hey they deliver and I can't drive...
Oh yeah the Saturn is taking a shit or atleast the battery I HOPE. Because I don't really want to pay a mechanic here to fix my god damn car cause I have no fucking tools... speaking of which I'm going to buy tools today!
Anywho, if it's not the battery then it's definitely the alternator or the A/C (just roll with me I tried to fix it and it didn't work it's a possibility).
I hate being married and not having a house all my nco's are always asking me why I don't have a place out in town yet.
I'm hoping to be home for the 4th of July if everything works out to see TP, yes he is home from Iraq and will be on leave through the 4th