Oct 04, 2006 19:30
I’ve started going back to the gym again. What ecstasy! It will take at least six months to get back to my previous weights in pump class which translates into a steady stream of endorphins! I remember the thrill of returning after Hamish was born and how it rehabilitated my poor, sore back. It is essentially the only routine in my daily life sans kids which is all about me which - pathetically perhaps - feels so decadently luxurious after being deprived during the end of the pregnancy. It’s fun to see people and sate their curiosity about Dahlia. It’s fun to try the new routines and sample the new soundtracks. I didn’t gain so much weight with this pregnancy (how would you when you develop a craving for celery and carrots?) so I stand to lose some weight at he end of all this which will be nice. :o)
We are back and forth to the new house as it slowly transforms to our dictates. It is only two days until moving day. Ironically our big house doesn’t have as much cupboard space so we are installing shelves to better utilize the space. Painting and tiles are sorted so now we are focusing on carpet and blinds to say nothing of wiring for our technology requirements!
It was 30C today in Melbourne after the hottest September on record. All talk is about a terrible bushfire season. An Inconvenient Truth indeed! What am embarrassment to be an Australian aloof of the Kyoto protocol. But we like the Yanks will pay the price for our stupidity and greed. *salivates at the thought of bananas*