An update full of random useless information

Jul 25, 2006 23:39

I havent been to a concert in a few days. weird. oh wait, thats thursday.

So I got a computer desk from the Smith family, as I dont have a computer desk for my computer... thanks smith family.

(scene: parking on hill near jen's. Discussion: e-break or no e-break)
Feeb: "its worth more money as an insurence claim"
me: "It'd be worth more if it had a bathtub in it" ... "everything would be worth more if bathtubs were involved in them"
(no idea..........)

Gummie bears get hard when you put them on cold icecream.

Ok who farts. Ok who has farted, and the fart, due to the way you are sitting, leaves the ass, travels DOWN the asscheeks in a condenced sphere of gas, and leaves near the crease between your balls and your leg. Yeah I had that happen. Only the fart actually LIFTED my LEFT TESTICLE on the way out.
how fucked up is that?

[edit 2 mins later]
I also forgot to add that my new greeting to people I dont know will be "Hi. I'm not menstruating"

Oh, and I found porno in my uncle/dad's office at work from may 1992. Hillarious. Thats gotta be my uncle, due to the fact that my dad is asexual, and my uncle has the mentality of a 15 year old. (he was eating icecream for breakfast in his 30s)
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