Could it be...that it isn't?

Apr 08, 2004 05:41

I'm beginning to suspect that there is no such word as
"tangient" (tan-gee-ent)
but rather, I just mispronounce
"tangent" (tan-gent)
that way whenever I use it as an adjective rather than as a noun. If this the case, that really pisses me off. Because I like the word tanGIEnt. Granted, I wanted to look up its meaning before using it for anything that might be offensive, but just to clarify. Also, I'm left wondering why it is that i had this misconception, because that happens to me a lot. Until a couple of years ago, I thought antEnnE was antAnnA, like Montana. I still say antanna. And I'm still going to say tangient. And all I have to say for myself is this,
suck it Trebeck. Suck it long, and suck it hard.

And tanGEnt doesn't quite seem to mean what I've thought of tanGIEnt as. When I hear tangent, I think ramble. Like going off course of the topic on some mostly unrelated thing. Like a teacher in math class using a car in a word problem as an excuse to brag about his new Benz. I realize most teachers don't buy Benz's, but I had a teacher once who was an ex-lawyer. He didn't buy a Benz either, but he probably could have. He taught law... Mr.Gray. I liked him.

I think of tangient as more of a philosophical thing. Like something that isn't quite real, or should not be the focus of worry because it will pass in a short time relative to the universe...
I've just remembered that when I was looking for the definition of tangient, I was trying to determine the difference between tangient and transient as WELL as whether the word could be used for that instance... I'll be right back...if it turns out to be transent not transient I'll be getting drunk next...
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Okay, so, evidently I was thinking of transient, which can, interestingly, also be spelled transeunt (I suspected it may be pronounced "unt") when in reference to philosophy. And no, I wouldn't have been comfortable using it for that purpose, because I would have felt that I was insulting a relationship.
This information, as if not frustrating enough, makes me wonder if I ever actually used the word tangient at all.
Excuse me, I need to go purchase a sepuku dagger.
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