
Jul 03, 2007 12:32

Barbossa sits at what has quickly become his usual spot by the lake, on a large flat rock from which he gets a good view of the Pearl. This time, though, he's busy with something entirely different, as he has occasionally been for the last few days. He holds a small, palm-sized leather-bound book in one hand and seems to be reading backwards ( Read more... )

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pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 16:47:55 UTC
Gibbs is navigating his way along the shore when he spots Barbossa. for the moment, he makes himself less than visible (figuratively speaking) as to avoid offering any hint of where the Pearl. But after covering his tracks, he once again emerges. Even if he's not sure he wants to talk to Jack's betrayer.


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 16:53:17 UTC
Eventually, he notices Gibbs and nods, amiably enough.

"Good day, mr Gibbs. Glad you came along at just this moment. We are definitely going to Singapore as soon as that blasted door reappears. And your help will come in handy in that trip."

He seems pleased enough. Not even his usual faint amusement at how stupid the world at large is, but really satisfied with how things are.


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 16:58:18 UTC
"Y' mentioned that before. If you don't mind me asking, why would we want to travel all that way?" In for a penny...


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 17:01:10 UTC
"Just the kind of direct, to the point question I was expecting from a man like you, mr Gibbs. And if you care to come a tad closer, I will epxlain. Oh, and stop worrying about the Pearl. I have no interest at all in a ship lacking its soul."

He nods and waves the other pirate over.


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 17:06:53 UTC
"Even here, she has a soul. It's just...a sad one." No use denying that, is there? "And if you think that flattery is going to get me to turn my back on Jack Sparrow, you don't know me at all." Not that Gibbs opposes compliments. They were so hard to come by in his naval days.


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 17:12:02 UTC
"Will you ever stop insulting my intelligence by assuming I don't know that much, Gibbs? I know the kind of loyalty that Jack can inspire. I haven't forgotten about Bootstrap Bill, you know."

There's a mild displeasure at that last bit, but he still beckons Gibbs over.

"We both know where we stand, thus flattery is moot between us. If I say something about you, it'll be because I do think so."

He drops the topic of the Pearl and its soul. He can't expect Gibbs to understand, and even less to agree with what he meant.


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 17:17:35 UTC
For the moment, Gibbs decides not to offer another insult. There will be time for that later. Crossing the Pacific.

"Fair enough. So...Singapore. There must be something important there, right?"


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 17:24:28 UTC
He smirks, satisfied. Of course he's pretty sure that Gibbs doesn't like him at all but that's the story of his life. Those who get to know him realize he's not a likeable man.

Slowly, he counts out on his fingers.

"One, a ship. Two, a crew. Three, a way to get us to where we want to go. And four, allies for when we come back. Ehough of a reason?"


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 17:32:20 UTC
"The latter two items are important, aye. But the first two...seein' as we need a ship to get there in the first place, surely we'd be better off fidning ship and crew before we get there? Sao Feng is not a man to trifle with, and I suspect he respects a show of force." Not that Gibbs has any idea where to find a crew better than the motley group they already have.


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 17:42:01 UTC
"Tell me, mr Gibbs. A man who has been a sailor for so long must surely know the sea, and how she behaves. We are sailing to the edge of the world. Don't you think there'll be a toll to pay? Would you rather have the sea choose her pickings from your friends, or from Sao Feng's men?"

He regards Gibbs levelly. Their crew, though good -if only, they all survived the Kraken's attack, and that goes to prove a lot- is small. Small, but they've been together for long enough, and through so much that any loss now would be painful like that of an old friend. Wouldn't it? Has he judged Gibbs rightly?


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 17:49:16 UTC
"You do raise a good point. But that still leaves us with the question of how we get there. And the question of how we get Sao Feng to deal fairly with us. I don't know what run-ins you and your crew had with him, but Jack wasn't as welcome there as he liked to claim." For every story of charming Singapore Gibbs heard from Jack, there was one of rivalry leading to Jack fleeing into the night, or the sea.


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 18:09:49 UTC
"Ah, that's the truly delightful thought, Mr Gibbs. I'm counting on our enemies to make our offer to Sao Feng irresistibly attractive."

What he means by that isn't exactly clear. How much does Gibbs know, after all? Does he know about the Brethren? Does he know Sao Feng is one? Or Jack? Barbossa isn't sure, and would like to know before they start for Singapore.


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 18:19:04 UTC
"You think he'd unite with us against Cutler Beckett? I don't doubt that the British East India people aren't making his life a misery, what with him bein' in the East Indies and all, But Sao Feng would sooner go it alone. His numbers are large, and Singapore offers more than a few spots along its shores to wait out even Beckett." In other words, Gibbs surely isn't thinking about any bigger picture.


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 18:26:35 UTC
"See, that's why Tía Dalma brought me back, I would say. You need me, even if you don't like me. And just as well, Sao Feng will need Jack, even though he doesn't like him one bit."

He leans closer to Gibbs, shaking his head.

"Cutler Beckett won't make the mistake of going for him. He's gathering influence. I'd guess he already has that which Weatherby Swann held in London under his thumb, and he won't stop there. I think he might be going after something darker and more powerful."

And Barbossa -does- know about that kind of thing, doesn't he?


pirate_gibbs July 3 2007, 18:35:03 UTC
"You're holding out on me, Barbossa. You know something about Sao Feng that I should." Too bad few tell tales of Singaporean pirates in the Caribbean, or Gibbs might know more.

"As for Beckett, he was after Jones and the Dutchman and the Kraken. Not sure what else he could be after."


bushel_o_apples July 3 2007, 18:42:02 UTC
"Ah, now that makes sense."

He relaxes visibly, this being the piece of the puzzle no one had provided him with. His head lowers as he ponders, then raises slowly, a gleam of determined, almost frightening passion in his eyes.

"And if he has got what he was searching for, then our quest is both more urgent and more desperate than ever, but at the same time, we have more chances of success with Sao Feng."


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