Maybe is finally time

Aug 07, 2007 04:20

I´m Livejournal member long time but i´ve never started my own journal...yeah,it´s time right now:)
I don´t care if people aren´t is for my own good:)
Well,first something about me i suppose.I´m girl from little land in Europe-Slovakia.19 years old,presently finally in puberty...yeah,about year ago i´ve started fangirling about korean,who never liked any pop music...damn TV Arirang and Super Junior fullhouse:D.But i´m happy like friends maybe think that i´m weird(they are all fans of black and death metal)but it doesn´t matter:).I´m still big fan of metal music too and i love live concerts(my money going away because of them).And beside music i´m manga,anime,good movies,shounen-ai/yaoi(everywhere),good books,Korea,Japan,Finland,Norway
Ok...shut up for now...but maybe,some photo?

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