Official hiatus

Oct 10, 2008 02:05

I´m gone for quite i while yet as you may realized...but now i´m doing my haitus official just let you know i´m not ignoring you or don´t care(so plz,don´t f-cut me,ok?i will be back one day D:)
I´m in Prague,in dorm and i´m just using not my computer and not my internet so i will keep this short.I hope i will have internet next month.
But except of lack of internet and fandom is life really good now.I love my school,first time in my life...i really love studying korean.All teachers are really nice and special people.
And my two roommates is Czech and second Japanese:).We are kind of internetional here in this room,lol.Prague is beautiful as ever...when i don´t have net now,i´m used to take long strolls around the city.I simply love being here.
Today i´m going watch concert of finnish band Lovex...yay!:)
Ah,my korean fandom...i missed lots of stuff and i have no idea what is happening D: The only Koreans i´m seeing now are my teacher mr.Lee and tourists,heh...
So...bye and take care people.

personal stuff

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