(no subject)

Jan 04, 2008 23:50

I wanted write here when was Xmas...then when was New Year...but i was lazy:)
So Happy belated Xmas and New Year lol:D

I´m in good mood because i haven´t seen school for 2 weeks and i´m going there 10th january(take exam-__-).

But too i´m in good mood because of one wonderful movie which isn´t out yet but i know it will be wonderful:D...Name of the movie is Ssang Hwa Jum(Frozen Flower)and story is placed in Koryo kingdom(and i love historical movies...long haiiiiir♥).And what is important...JO IN-SUNG plays the commander who gets special "affection" from the king:D(King and the clown somebody?).And the second important thing is who plays king...JOO JIN-MO!...OMG,and there was said this:"Also future bed scene between the two actors is making a headline. Especially, due to the fact that the director Yu Han has been known for racy sex scenes in his “Crazy Marriage”."...OMG,i think somebody loves me because i love Jo InSung and Joo JinMo to the pieces from the first time i´ve seen them.JinMo in Musa-The Warrior movie,where he plays general Choi Jung...and i was wishing there is any Zhang Ziyi and it is bl movie because Joo JinMo/Jung WooSung...it would be hot*shot*:D,and now i´m actually gonna get Jo InSung instead of JungWooSung(quite similar names).I´m crazy happy here like if somebody bought me air ticket to South Korea lol.
Can´t wait for spring.

yes,they are hot...and imagine them together...*___*

Ehm,was it here something else i wanted to post?seriously i don´t know because i was fangirling so much and now i have only JJMandJIS in my mind...lol

Now i know what i wanted...
Fandom Pairings Meme Thinger
Snagged from x_princevaliant

Name six ships you like:
01. SiHan (SiWon x Han Geng, Super Junior)
02. KangTeuk (KangIn x LeeTeuk, Super Junior)
03. KiHae (KiBum x DongHae, Super Junior)
04. YooSu (YooChun x JunSu, DBSK)
05. YunJae (YunHo x JaeJoong, DBSK)
06. KyuMin (KyuJong x JungMin, SS501)

Three ships you used to like, but don't anymore:
uh,that´s hard...coz when i like something once it´s probably for 4ever.Ok,i´m gonna put pairings i like less...
07. TeukChul (LeeTeuk x HeeChul, Super Junior)
08. KyuMin (KyuHyun x SungMin, Super Junior)
09. HyunMin (HyunJung x JungMin, SS501)

Three ships in your various fandoms that you don't ship:
10. SiChul (SiWon x HeeChul, Super Junior)
11. HanChul (Han Geng x HeeChul, Super Junior)
12. EunHae (EunHyuk x DongHae, Super Junior)

Two ships you are curious about but haven't actually started shipping:
13. SiMin (SiWon x SungMin, Super Junior)
14. KangWon (KangIn x SiWon, Super Junior)

1.) Why do you dislike #11 so much? (HanChul)
Eh...because i love SiHan so much.

2.) Who is someone you know that ships #13? (SiMin)
Few people:)

3.) What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (KiHae)
All is good as long as it is KiHae...

4.) Which is your favorite moment for #1? (SiHan)
Ah,SuJu Fullhouse...taekyeon scene♥
And that scene in the chinese show while Hannie was crying...it took my heart away and my mind was blank because it was totally love.

5.) How long have you been following couple #6? (SS501´s KyuMin)
Hmm,i think it´s pretty long time...after watching "Thanks for waking me up" show.

6.) What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (SuJu´s KyuMin)
Well,it was all looking good in mini dorama etc.,but i just don´t like them together beside it very much.

7.) Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (KangTeuk,YooSu)
Are you kidding me?XD...that´s like question:what is better?being invisible or being able to fly?...i love both pairings SO much.

8.) You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (SiChul,EunHae)
Absolutely 10...i won´t let HeeChul ruin my pretty SiHan...XD

9.) What interests you about #14? (KangWon)
I always thought they should look hot together...and that offjacket photoshoot kissu showed it properly hehe:D

10.) When did you stop liking #7? (TeukChul)
When there was so much TeukChul interactions and none KangTeuk...

11.) Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the band?
heh...absolutely not.And i´m prepared to start like them again.

12.) What's a song that reminds you of #5? (YunJae)
Love in the ice(DBSK)...coz in the "bokura mamoru" moment it still reminds me how they were looking at each other while singing it,once:)

13.) Which of these ships do you love the most?
SiHan♥♥♥!!!(there is matter why i put them on the first place:))...they are so wow together...

14.) Which do you dislike the most?
I can´t choose between SiChul and HanChul heh...

15.) If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be?
ohgod...i´m gonna for YooSu and KyuMin(SS501´s)...it would be fun:).And both bands are in Japan...they really should go someday:D

16.) Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like.
KangTeuk and kissing?XD*evil laughter*...we all knows...

17.) Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show(?) hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
Yes...i believe in YooSu:)

18.) What would make you start shipping #14? (KangWon)
I don´t know...more interaction(but nothing like ruining SiHan and KangTeuk:))...once in a while...

19.) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (KangTeuk,SS501´s KyuMin)
#2 absolutely!...but we know they are married already:D

20.) You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (SiChul)
it would be NONEXISTING!
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