A Bounty on McCain Signs AND PEOPLE???!!!

Oct 27, 2008 21:36

This is the sickest crap I Have ever seen. How Low will OBAMA Go? How Depraved is his Campaign?

Islam offers $50.000.00 Dollars (US) for the head of John McCains Pastor.


A bounty On McCan-Palin signs! (Bounty's are here too in Florida, but cash money.)


image Click to view

Read how OBAMA really feels toward the plight of abused women: http://uppitywoman08.wordpress.com/2008/10/17/ballistic-obama-supporter-assaults-middle-aged-woman-with-stick-from-her-mccainpalin-sign/

One sweet persons opinion of this despicable kind of behavior:


With rock-solid credible and respected reporting like this: http://www.usnews.com/blogs/barone/2008/8/22/obama-needs-to-explain-his-ties-to-william-ayers.html
We find it hard to believe that anyone would consider OBAMA "Honest".

And Concerning the OBAMA citizenship issue, at least this case is going to the Supreme Court and there are 25 (and still counting) others in progress: http://obamacrimes.com/index.php/component/content/article/2-news/45-press-release-berg-v-obama-dismissed-berg-appealing-to-u-s-supreme-court
(I still can hardly believe that this suit ((and Many of the others, as well)) were brought by Democrats.)

People are still discussing so-called "Issues", when the "Issues" do not really matter anymore. Only that OBAMA fails every acid test of credibility, character and examination of association.... Unless of course you are an enemy of the United States and it's constitution....Then of course, he's your Man.

Please Join the Republican Party and Vote Republican.

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