On Turf, Beer, and Furniture

May 13, 2008 13:44

I just love this. Some pupils somewhere in Aberdeenshire turfed over the floor of their common room on their last day (cf. BBC article). I think instead of complaining, the headmaster should have them clean up the common room themselves. After all, once caught, you gotta hang for your pranks. That's why I only ever stole doors and built fences in door frames...

An Aussie has been fined for driving an unlicensed vehicle and strapping down his beer rather than his young child (cf. BBC article). You've gotta have priorities.

I recently realised that one of the old 'friends' jokes holds true. Now, I've never been very fond of this show, it's too soap-operay, but occationally even the blind chicken will find a grain as they say here in good ol' Germany.

Joey: "You might recognise me from 'Days of our Lives'. I'm Dr. X.
Random person: "I'm sorry. I don't own a TV."
Joey: "You don't own a TV??? What's all your furniture pointing at?"

Somehow, I loved this jokes cos it's so true. All the furniture in my living room is pointing towards an imaginary TV. My mind, corrupted by years of televisual abuse, must have played a trick on me when I laid out the room.

Comic of the Day:

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