On Pizza, Heidi, Bike Sex, Spanish Matadors, and Classic Novels

Nov 18, 2007 09:56

Right, just a couple of things before I'm gonna have to get cracking at these Pizzas. It struck me how meat-based most of the pizza varieties are and by how much your selection is suddenly restricted if you impose vegetarian or vegan rules. Having said that, you're still left with quite a choice of toppings but I just went for the classics: Mushrooms, olive, onions, sweet corn, sun-dried tomatoes, and bell peppers. I didn't think anyone would fancy rucola, spinach or artichokes.

I picked up a couple of weird stories again:

Apparently, after two years of Mario Gomez celebrating his goals in the German Bundesliga by imitating a Spanish Matador, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have complained in an open letter about it. What's next? The Lindisfarne Nudist Colonists complaining about players being booked for taking off their tops? Or people with ED complaining about players celebrating a goal by rocking an imaginary baby to sleep? Get a life!

A Turkish edition of Heidi has caused problems for the Erdogan government in Turkey which I already under scrutiny for allegedly trying to Islamiscise Turkey society. The government published a list which names books that children should read such as Heidi, Pinocchio or Robinson Crusoe. Unfortunately, since copyright has run out, many Turkish editions feature "additions" and new illustration which are rather curious. Pinocchio's creator Gepetto is seen wearing a fez (rather unusual for an Italian carpenter) and Klara Sesemann's grandmother sports an interesting Anatolian version of a burkha. Probably the signs of a society that tries to find its place in a modern, globalised world.

Now when I think of a bicycle, it doesn't conjured up images of naked women. There's nothing curvy enough about them which is why in my view by far the weirdest article over the last couple of days appeared on the BBC website with the title Bike sex case sparks legal debate which reported that a man from Ayr was put on the sex offenders register after cleaners in a hostel walked in on him being engaged in sexual activities with his bike. I just love the comment:"This case should not prevent people who want to engage in this sort of activity doing so." Lovely thought. It reminds of the old sheep joke which demands that they should always face the barn wall...

Ever wondered why the classic novel Catch-22 is called that and not ooh say Catch-18? Or why the postman always rings twice in a novel without a doorbell or a postman? Well, I don't have time to go into that but if you're interested in that sort of thing, "The Daily Telegraph" featured an article called A classic by any other name which is an extract from a book called "Why Not Catch-21? The Stories Behind the Titles" by Gary Dexter.

Comic of the Day:

("Hint: Click to enlarge")
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