May 28, 2005 04:20
So its 420 am. I had the long day today. After canada and all the interesting moments last night, a long day at work was not what i needed. I was supposed to be 3rd off, but i guess some1 called in which made my managers decide to put me as closer. Which also meant i had to Cocktail waitress. I at 6 and didnt get off until like 330. Not only was it like a new thing for me, closing that is, but it was also kareoke night. LOVELY. NoT. It wasnt fun. I never cocktailed before so i was getting nervous and on top of that i had to waitress until 11. So from 8-11 i was doing both then after 11 it was all drinks. The people singing were def. funny. Mostly drunks that couldnt sing but wont remember in the morning how horrible they sounded. then there were the ones that stayed after and while i was cleaning they were screaming obscene comments that i could only ignore or uncomfortably smile to. I knew they were drunk when some1 said i have a nice ass. It is known to not only me but by anyone who knoews me that i have the worlds smallest ass. I have no butt. My back is in line with my butt. I mean come on, thats when you know some1 had too much to drink.Then after the last few straggalers (sp) left, me n Santos had to clean clean clean. I had done a good job keepin things up but i still had to vacum with the vacum taht was made and used prob 20 years before i was born. It hink it weighed more then i did. Then me n santos talked about some shit. Small world. Anyways by the time i left i was suprised the sun wasnt out. I came home and was starving and tired since i hadnt sat down or peed for that matter. And now i sit here at my computer. Hungry, sore, (my ankle especially) tired, yucky, blah blah blah, The list could continue. However i shall not bore you any more. Good night to you all. im sure you most will be up by the time i actually fall asleep. Good night. I said that already but oh well...good nihgt