
Dec 20, 2007 09:59

I guess I have to follow through with my traditional canned food drive update. I was just reading the Sandy Post and saw the success of this year's Sandy High School food drive! Haha It still makes me really proud/excited when I see the numbers each year. 55,254! Great job Sandy :)

Geeze I haven't updated this thing in a long time. I've finished up the first semester of my senior year. Seven semesters down one to go. How weird is that? I can hardly believe that my time at Willamette is almost over. I wonder what I'm going to be a year from now. Its starting to drive me a little crazy not knowing where I will be living a year from now...hell I don't even know where I will be over the summer! I want to be an admissions counselor somewhere, not sure where, but I think it would be fun. Do that for a couple years and then go get my master's degree. I'm still going between getting my master's in Higher Education Administration or Communications...maybe I'll be an overachiever as always and do both ;)

Other then that I've been pretty bored so far over break. I really want to know my grades and get my wii!

I'm in a wonderful relationship now :) Tony Zezas is amazing! I dont know what I would do without that boy!

I should head to campus now. I've got a lot of work to do for Black Tie.

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