I have been browsing
this fantastic site for some time now. Lots of interesting stuff about women writers and a perfect way to celebrate International Women's Day. Some interesting reading about Sarah Fielding, Henry Fielding's sister, who also was a successful author in her time, but do we learn anything about her at school? Of course not. The fate of Shakespeare's sister... At least Sarah DID earn a living and was appreciated in her time. And now I must read her works.
Another interesting author was Sarah Harriette Burney, Frances's half-sister. A even more tragic life story, but interesting. Not available on the Gutenberg project though, and her books are very very expensive at abebooks. But hopefully they will put up her work as e-texts at Chawton too.
The conference on Women and Material Culture 1660-1830 that will be held in July seems interesting. But not withing my budget, unfortunately. More info
here So much to read, so little time... Been doing my grammar studies during the last week. And boy, do I need to spend time on that. It is time well spent anyway. So, when will I have time to follow up my reading on all those interesting things ? This summer?