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Dec 08, 2015 01:18

 Thank you for all the kind words on my posts last week. They were deeply appreciated.

Fingers crossed, we finally got some better news today. My sister has been in touch with L's daughter through text messages, and today she said that L had been sitting up in bed, and had been aware of her surroundings. It's  difficult to know exactly HOW well L is doing but we all felt so much happier just know that she was awake and seemed to do better. Hopefully my sister will be able to visit L tomorrow evening, and she'll be able to see for herself how conscious L is.

Such a relief to hear this after quite worrying news last week. L was sleeping and x-rays had shown a deep cerebral haemorrhage, impossible to operate on, and the doctors said that it might take three or four weeks until the swelling had gone down and until then it would be very difficult to know how much damage had been caused. L's daughter was naturally deeply shocked and we didn't really learn anything util today.

We can only pray and hope that L is stronger than they think and that things might look up a bit sooner than expected.

Naturally, everything has been turned on it's head, and we're working crazy shifts and trying to sort out schedules and visiting hours, and just making it through the days. Dad has been very sad, and we kind of have to remind ourselves not to talk too much about it around him. We also have to tackle the task of interviewing extra staff and trying to cope with all that as well. Not looking forward to teaching new people about all the everyday stuff with dad. L is such a constant gem after almost four years, we've been very lucky, and it feels so selfish to moan about missing her work skills when she's lying there just struggling to get better. But we DO miss her a lot in so many ways.

I won't be able to leave for Lund next week, naturally, and no grammar exam tomorrow (yay! - even if I'll hopefully be able to to the catch up one in January instead - fingers crossed). Instead I'm on night watch and finally able to catch up on comments and emails. And trying to sort out a new schedule.. 

drama, family, life

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