Ja jäklar, vilken natt..

Apr 06, 2011 01:29

I'm spending the night at the hospital again. Night shift in the looking after dad saga. Thank god it's the GOOD night nurses again, I love them all and they have been in here cleaning the tracheothingy from phlegm pretty much every fifteen minutes since ten tonight.

What a wonderful night for dad. Well, he slept maybe one hour between ten and eleven, but then the coughing started again.

They have put him back on antibiotics, got the second dose just now, so maybe maybe there will be a slight improvement tomorrow. Actually I do think there is slighly less phlegm, just more coughing tonight. And yes, he does have pneunomia again! Yay.

So exactly NOT what you wish on someone as tired and bedridden as dad.

I'm on my own at the hospital this night. They've changed dad's room againg so now he's back in a room of his own, but without bathroom this time. I leave the door to the corridor half-open so feel less helpless. And it helps that I trust these night nurses SO much more than most of the day crowd.

And now, while I've written this entry dad has been asleep for 30 minutes and counting. Pray for it to continue like that for a while

Posted via LjBeetle
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