Jan 16, 2009 22:38
I made it to the gym today! Totally deserves an exclamation mark, since it was over a week since I went there last. Spinning class tonight, and my legs are pretty tired, but how I missed it. I need that energy rush, and really mustn't let so many days go until the next time. I know I should go to the class at 10 tomorrow morning, but that will SO not happen. And there's that performance of The Taming of the Shrew at the English department on Sunday, so I'll miss my usual barbell/spinning class, but spinning on Monday for sure.
More great weather today, and I walked to the petrol station to pick up my book orders. Two nice new editions of Angela Thirkell's High Rising and Wild Strawberries. She keeps popping up everywhere so I thought I should give her books a try. Also a book in Swedish, Allt (Everything)by Martina Lowden, who was THE new young Swedish author in 2006, and I never managed to read her book.. now available in paperback for only 39 SK, so why not? I'm reluctantly fond of it from the first 10 pages.. we'll see if I get through all 617 of them..
Also watched the first episode of the Mentalist, and I'm not sure I'll watch the rest of the show, even if Owen Yeoman is in it (WHY didn't anyone tell me this??). Owen rocked in Kitchen Confidential, and was great in Generation Kill (if somewhat overshadowed by Alexander, and quite a few others). Does the Mentalist get better? More into an ensemble show? Since it felt very much like a Simon Baker vehicle, and he's ok and all, but I'm not sure I'd keep up the interest for a whole season. Even if Owen is very tall.
And yes, I have done some writing as well, fingers crossed all will be well on Monday...
angela thirkell,
martina lowden,
owen yeoman,
the mentalist