I really don't feel like going to the bar-bells class tonight, but on the other hand I don't want to mess up my exercising routine. So I'll probably go, just with a caveat that my tummy is acting weird again and my muscles still aches from Sunday's combined bar-bell/spinning class, and yesterday's spinning.. But at least I will have accomplished SOMETHING today if I go.
Caught up on Merlin this week-end, watched ep 3 and 4, and oh my god the slash must be writing itself by now. I'm completely enamoured with Arthur, he's really coming into his role and I adore him, which kind of surprises me, for Merlin is very cute too. But GOD it is soo cheesy. And the script is pretty terrible. Yet soo charming. Apparently I never watch really GOOD series, they have to be slightly flawed for me to get hooked. I also like that it is a British series, so only 13 episodes. Which means that I won't get bored with it before its over. My attention span, far too short these days.
What else? I'm reading Julian Barnes' Flaubert's Parrot, and enjoying it very much. Kind of surprised that I've never read Barnes before, he should be right up my alley. If everything else he's written is as good as this book, I'll be stocking up on his back-list. Read an
article in the Daily Telegraph of all places, that made me order a bunch of his caper novels written under the
Dan Kavanagh pseudo as well. How could I resist a "bi-sexual ex-police officer, (who) explores the seedy underbelly of Soho". I just hope the books live up to the blurbs.