Memory 007 | Audio | - 1 chef

Jul 11, 2011 02:02

For some stupid reason I can't find that dorky chef guy anymore... I guess he's left.

[For those who may be wondering, Chef guy = Canada, who has recently left the bubble and returned back home.]

We were in the middle of planning my extremely important Grand Finale, too! How rude! In what respect could he just up and run off without finishing it!?

[ . ( Read more... )

not cool, hungry, i want my chef back, food is important, arisu is sad, bawww canada wryyy?, darn you vatheon, canada is gone, where my chef at, missing persons

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audio pristinestar July 11 2011, 15:36:40 UTC
[One of Alice's friends left...? Red hasn't heard of Alice calling Canada as "Chef Guy" before though, so he can't figure out who did.]

I'm sorry, Alice... Are you all right?


audio busagi July 11 2011, 18:07:15 UTC
No, I am not all right. My airhead chef servant has disappeared and so now I am... Chef-less!


pristinestar July 12 2011, 07:29:04 UTC
[... Well.]

Who was it?

Also... You can always come by, if you want. I wouldn't mind if you joined us for dinner. [N probably would, though... But Red is yet to realize that N and Alice aren't in good terms.]


busagi July 13 2011, 04:00:17 UTC
Who? Chef guy? [A short pause.] Jack always called him Canada. So I suppose that was his real name. I always just called him chef guy, though.

Really? I could?-- I mean, of course! I will then. [...] I eat a lot though, you know.


pristinestar July 13 2011, 04:20:28 UTC
Canada left...? [... Crap. It's one after another again. But Red stays composed and just nods calmly.] I see.

And it's really no problem for me, Alice. Or if you want, I can drop food off for you. I bring take out home often for my housemates. [If N is too tired or sick to cook.]


busagi July 13 2011, 04:29:56 UTC
I guess so. He hasn't returned home for several days now and nobody's heard from him.

... You mean you don't have a servant to do that stuff for you?


pristinestar July 13 2011, 05:30:41 UTC
[... He still kind of questions that master-servant thing. He wonders if Alice is actually some kind of princess.]

Er, no... I make it out on my own, even back home. Here, I have N to cook for me sometimes. Green does, too. But I didn't want to trouble them too much.


busagi July 13 2011, 06:04:53 UTC
[No servants? Wow. How do you manage big bro?]

... You mean Pine Tree and Porcupine Head can actually cook?

[Ah yes, her endearing nicknames for N and Green.]


pristinestar July 13 2011, 06:55:06 UTC
[Pocky and curry bread. :| Oh, and take out.]

... Haha. [sweaaatdrop] Yes, they can. N is still learning, but he's doing really well. And Green is an excellent cook.


1/4 busagi July 13 2011, 07:00:04 UTC
[Fatty. :|]

Still learning, huh?


2/4 this is her thinking face busagi July 13 2011, 07:08:20 UTC


3/4 busagi July 13 2011, 07:08:57 UTC


4/4 busagi July 13 2011, 07:12:30 UTC
[Trolling N plotz are go.]

Maybe I could help~?


pristinestar July 13 2011, 07:56:55 UTC

... Huh? Help with what?


busagi July 14 2011, 03:43:12 UTC
[Fatty. Did I stutter? :|]

Well you said he's still learning right~? I may not know much about cooking food, but I am an expert at tasting it! I could taste his cooking and... help him by giving him comments on it in return. It would benefit the both of us, don't you think?


pristinestar July 14 2011, 17:34:05 UTC

Maybe N wouldn't mind if you offered him to help, then.


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