Jun 05, 2006 04:04
1. what did you do last night?
i figured out a new way to get high.
2. was it fun?
''get high'' UHHUH.
3. when was the last time you kissed someone?
=DCHEEZIN today.
4. last time someone told you they liked you?
5. were you suprised?
6. who was the last guy you had a serious talk with?
7. who was the last girl you had a serious talk with?
punky. it was the same day. i think it was about how..
humans and all living things on earth are like a virus
infecting and takingo ver a host. and each planet
solar system universe and galaxy is just another being..
like us and our cells, nucleai(sp), and atoms.
8. are you currently missing anyone?
i am.
9.in the past week have you ignored someone?
i agree with phil. its kinda hard.
10. if you did then why?
yeah fuck you buddy.
11. last car ride?
myself and pvt. roy were walking through the swamp of daquang, just bullshittin about which whore had crabs.. (we can tell by the smell now). when all of a sudden.. i almost stepped in some punji. them little gook fuckers did it now. we went back to the camp.. and stole one of the hummvees. he was drunk.. so i let him man the 50 cal. i drove down the mainroad to their camp.. and roy shot everything that moved. we pulled in, and i stood on the horn. "who's the sonofabitch that set the punji trap?" from behind the jeep came a voice, one that i knew. "i did. you assbandit" proclaimed tony danza. (i cant forget, running home as a child to catch episodes of who's the boss. id sit there and wait for him to be trampled by midgets, or set on fire by small children. thats when id yell.. "who's the boss now, bitch".) thats when roy said, "whos the goochtickler?" and before he could finish.. i threw the sombitch into reverse and ran his metrosexual ass over. roy must of caught on, or siad fuckit.. and opened fire into the camp. we seen a couple people who looked like pow's.. but we didnt care. after about. 15 or so minutes of pure fire, roy eather ran out of ammo.. or passed the fuckout. (turns out, the first caused the later) i got out of the truck and had tony pinned under one of the tires. he had a few broken ribs.. and a severed eye. other then the 2 ton hummer on top of him, he was fine.i looked him in the eye, "what the fuck. that punji almost got me you fuck." as i kicked him in the face. he looked at me with that cold stare, (the kind you only see from chuck norris before he ends the world) and said.. "because im the boss motherfucker. thats why. now get this goddamned truck off me. your staining my uniform." thats when i noticed that we missed a gook. he was armed with only a small knife. i heard his battlecry, "Balalalalalalalaalalala" as he charged me. thats when i heard tony laughing below me.. "he's my best solider. ahah your done nub" i grabbed tony by the inside of his mouth, and ripped out his jaw. then countered the asaliant with the jawbone. the knife fell to the ground, and i still had my new favorate weapon. he made a second charge but i caught him in the neck with the teeth. he went down without a sound, and tony was almost completly dead with all of the blood loss. i lit up a smoke and started to jump in the jeep. is when i noticed that roy was gone. i fell dumbstruck as i searched around the area for him. when i got to the northern most part of the camp, i found him. he was knee deep in all of their medical supplies (which is know as lsd nowadays) he had a huge smile on his face.. and the biggest blunt ive ever seen. apparently charley kept fatty ass tobacco leaves as medical supplies. genious. to wrap it up, we stole all the drugs.. the arms that survived the attack, and with whatever the fuck else we found. we got back to the mainland and sold our shit. we made an assload of money when we sold the now liquified lsd (the only way to get it through customs in thoes days) to coca-cola. they had to change their recipie when the public found out they were putting cocaine in it.
12. have you ever ignored a call?
ill ignor you while im on teh phone. wasting my goddamned minutes.
13. if you did, then why?
for their pleasure.
14. ever had half a good day?
no ill wake up in a good mood and then get pissed off because of some fucking douche bag.
15. any relationship drama going on with you?
i dropped out a Bonanza. lol.
16. ever hit anyone out of anger?
3 or fo' timez.
17. any plans for this weekend?
hopefully im alive.
18. any plans for next week?
see 17.
19. Last picture you took?
20. earliest phone call today?
3:41 am 702-281-9446 Sun 06/04 Alekziouisius. he's a badass.
"they left out 21 and 22? fuck that. im renumbering it to make it right." - phil
22. ever throw your cell phone at anyone?
and his name was sheet rock.
23. ever had your own cell thrown at you?
whythe hellw ould some one throw my cell phone at me.. talking about douche bags that piss me off.
24. missing something right now?
25. last person to see you cry?
probably aj.
26. last person you made cry?
i pity the fool.
27. have you ever emotionally hurt anyone?
of course.
28. physically hurt anyone?
ill cutcha bitch.
29. ever bitten someone?
yeah. then tha stupid bitch pressed charges. assualt and battey in 6th grade PE. wtf.
30. are you expecting a phone call?
booty call.
31. who was the last person you called?
32. Are you doing anything tomorrow?
tomris band practice.
33. last person you seen cry?
ashley. comedown breakdown.
34. why were they crying?
Don't Do Drugs.
35. current worry?
i am bliss.
36. how are you going to solve that?
two steps ahead of you.
37. current location?
THE BEAN.hella vegas.
38. is tomorrow going to be a long day?
same length as always.
39. ever done anything you regret?
why regret. already did it. dont do it agian if anything.
40. why'd you regret it?
i didnt, mother fucker.
41. last im?
42. do you plan on calling anyone tonight?
"they took out number 44 too. tools" - phil
43. current song stuck in your head?
"a fire burns of genocide"
44. default ringtone?
45. current smell?
it probably smell like pot.
46. does it smell good?
i love the smell of pot.
47. are you currently happy?
im high.
48. what are you going to wear tomorrow?
the same thing i wore today. and the same thing ill wear on tuesday.lol.
49. have any tests tomorrow?
no but i can sing that one song if you want..''push it to the limit.. ''
50. last person you talked too?
51. favorite number?
52. get an unexpected hug today?
no. i give hugs out like . like candy
53. what you do?
im a wannabe.
54. last person you cuddled with?
ashley. aw! i love to cuddle. queer.
55. are you a morning person?
i like to go back to sleep when i wake up.
56. whats in your pocket?
danes pack of smokes. and a blue bic. a dollar. and 30¢(quarter& nickel.)
57. on any medication?
roll anotha' b and ignite the fire.
58. Where were you 1 hour ago?
pushing danes piece of shit up a fucking hill. only to have the car start and drive to my house.
59. Who will be your next kiss?
some hoe. i dont kiss and tell.
60. What is the largest amount of money you've spent in a store?
i dropped 3 bill on my set back in febuary.
61 Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
theres a pink blanket hanging from the door for no apparant reason. pinklemonade cans all over.
and uh the input to my mic is pink. itch+b
62. When is the last time you went to the mall?
fuck the mallb
63. Are you wearing socks right now?
yes.i wear socks during sex too.
64. When was the last time you drove out of town?
fuuuuuuck. sometime a while ago with dave.
65. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
66. What was the last thing you had to drink?
i sucked up some bongwater. balh. iimma go getsome pink lemonade..
67. What are you wearing right now?
black on black chucknorriss. my triple5soul graf pants. GDB shirt.<3.
68. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
bean = carless
69. Last fast food you ate?
i like mcflurrys.
70. Where were you last week at this time?
sitting here. probably filling something else noone will read entirely.
71. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
72. When is the last time you ran?
the other day fucking aournd in the storm drain with d-mar
73. What's the last sporting event you watched live?
"jeter has wallhax" LMFAO. UNLV vs. UNR. UNLV WHOOPED ASS. that was like. 5 or 6 years ago though.
74. What is your favorite class?
math,science,pe,social studies,computers,&woods.
75. Your dream vacation?
alone in my mind.
76. Last persons house you were in?
i have a weird thing about going to peoples houses. i went to danes house friday though.
and toms on saturday.
77. How old are your parents?
moms-38 pops-48.
78. Do you miss anyone?
i am.
79. Last play you saw?
some bs at bhs.
80. What are your plans for tonight?
Get Sexy! not to push a fucking car.
81. Who is the last person you sent a message to on MySpace?
82. Ever go to camp?
nah.. my family was poor growing up.
83. Were you ever an honor roll student in school?
not once.lol.
84. What do you want to know about the future?
i am the future. wait and learn..=]
85. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
stale smoke old spice and dred.
86. Are you hungry?
thats a badass song by M. Kosheen.
87. Where is your best friend located?
ive a few. some here. some in cleavage,ohio.
i have a lot of equally loved friends old&new
88. Who is your best friend?
phil, dane, nate aj micci. i love my FAMiLY
89. Do you have a tan?
that one of a farmer.wtf.
90. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
''financially stable.''
91. Do you collect anything?
bottle caps & free shit
92. Ever eat sushi?
love it.
93. Least favorite color?
direct sunlight.
94. Last time you ate chocolate?
isnt there chocolate in cookie crisp.? if so. then a few minutes ago.
95. Favorite number?
looks like an ip adress. fag.
96. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
ok. omg. wtf. so i was chillin in my friends truck.
in the parkinglot of albertson.. my friend chase was in the bed..
he opens te back windows. askes if i wanna cheif a boowl.
i agree. so he hopps out of the bed and opens the driver side door.
and the oput of fucking now here. the pig pulls up like were raping
a white woman.rudley askes us to get to the front of his car..
it wasnt evena bout the pot.. this dumb mother fuck thought..
at least says.. he thought we were stealing the car and had purse
snatchedtwo girlsl..c ause of our friends purses were in the car
while they wereinside of fucking albertsons.. so .. i end up getting
a ticket for havign alish'a pipe and chases bud.. stupid fucking pigs.
97. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
i dont drink soda.
98. How do you like your drinks?
this fuckign thing is long.
99. Do you like hot sauce?
100. Last time you took a shower?
a few days ago.
101. Do you need to do laundry?
hells yeah..
102. What is your heritage?
103. Are you someone's best friend?
you're god dammed correct.
104. Are you rich?
i you cant figure it out.
youre on the other end. tool.
105. What do you think of the person who took this survey before you?
phil is a fuckign badass sexy white fuck.