bus_di_movesFriendship Level: 99%
Random LJ Friend-O-MeterFrom
Go-Quiz.com haha!! i guess we need to stop talkin to each other....NOT!!LOVE YA
bus_di_movesFriendship Level: 99%
Random LJ Friend-O-MeterFrom
Go-Quiz.com brittney!! they r just jealous!! love ya!!
bus_di_movesFriendship Level: 81%
Random LJ Friend-O-MeterFrom
Go-Quiz.com haha!! our friendship is for eva!!
bus_di_movesFriendship Level: 88%
Random LJ Friend-O-MeterFrom
Go-Quiz.com word!! we dont even talk to each other much!!
bus_di_movesFriendship Level: 89%
Random LJ Friend-O-MeterFrom
Go-Quiz.com haha!! we do talk to each other alot!!love ya!!
bus_di_movesFriendship Level: 24%
Random LJ Friend-O-MeterFrom
Go-Quiz.com haha!! i guess i hate ma self!!
y am i laughin so freakin much?!?!!??!haha!!
bus_di_movesFriendship Level: 56%
Random LJ Friend-O-MeterFrom
Go-Quiz.com haha!! yeah rite more like 24% haha!! j/k