is that all you do all day is sit around and go from live journal to live journal leaving anonymous comments your a badass and "i rode black dahlias nuts" ive seen them once but thats because terror was playing that night also got anything else?
and if listen to detroit hardcore you would know that thats Let It Die
and while your looking around on evreyones live journal leaving your 2 cents i wasnt the kid wearing the alliance shirt you waste of sperm hes get a special message for you if you find him
how do u have all antidrug livejournal icons when you arent straightedge? please allow me to rephrase...WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE ALL ANTIDRUG LIVEJOURNAL ICONS WHEN YOU ARENT STRAIGHTEDGE?
"and if listen to detroit hardcore you would know that thats Let It Die"
motherfucker, dont even try to explain to me who let it die is. ive seen em and heard of em way before your bitchass. dont try to tell me what detroit is all about. and sadly, you are right. let it die is the epitome of detroit hardcore, which is sad.
granted, this won't change your beliefs, nor should it. i just find it sad that you guys (namely you and zach) take such offense to everything that is said. you have to realize that yes, people are going to talk shit talk behind your back...thats life.
my advice, get over the need to fight everyone who looks at you the wrong way, and go out, have a good time, get drunk, have as much fun as you can at concerts, lose your voice a few times, and most important: GET LAID.
all those edge icons i have i think in some way i am i dont do drugs i smoke and drink but thats it. and on another note i dont take offense to everything that is said from you guys because if i did it would just be another dick head to tally up who wants to beat my ass but would rather sit online and talk shit than really do something. so im finished you guys can have ill live my life and you guys can live yours downloading old nickelodeon shows have fun im finished with this childish bull shit have a nice day and leave me the fuck alone
WOW yeah that's pretty fucking sad that you would consider yourself "kind of straightedge". Smoking and drinking kind of make up for that, honey. You blow ass. Your livejournal is full of dramadramadramadramadrama. Maybe that's just HARDCORE though. I wouldn't know.
is that all you do all day is sit around and go from live journal to live journal leaving anonymous comments your a badass and "i rode black dahlias nuts" ive seen them once but thats because terror was playing that night also
got anything else?
and if listen to detroit hardcore you would know that thats Let It Die
and while your looking around on evreyones live journal leaving your 2 cents i wasnt the kid wearing the alliance shirt you waste of sperm hes get a special message for you if you find him
how do u have all antidrug livejournal icons when you arent straightedge?
"and if listen to detroit hardcore you would know that thats Let It Die"
motherfucker, dont even try to explain to me who let it die is. ive seen em and heard of em way before your bitchass. dont try to tell me what detroit is all about. and sadly, you are right. let it die is the epitome of detroit hardcore, which is sad.
granted, this won't change your beliefs, nor should it. i just find it sad that you guys (namely you and zach) take such offense to everything that is said. you have to realize that yes, people are going to talk shit talk behind your back...thats life.
my advice, get over the need to fight everyone who looks at you the wrong way, and go out, have a good time, get drunk, have as much fun as you can at concerts, lose your voice a few times, and most important: GET LAID.
You strive for acceptance.
fuck you. I can't believe you just said you're straight edge.
Jesus. Seriously. You disgraced everything you THINK you stand for. I am embarrased on behalf of everyone that knows you.
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