App for counted_stars

Sep 22, 2011 06:13

Player Information:

Name or Handle: Katie
LJ: superkappa


AIM/ MSN / Plurk name: aim = moongoddessk plurk = superkappa

Any current characters here?: Elliot Reid, Cordelia Chase

Character Information:

Character Name: Lilah Morgan

Age:about 27

Canon: Angel: The Series

Appearance: Lilah is a tall woman at the height of 5' 9". She in fact often seems even taller than that due to her habit of wearing heels. She has a rather full, curvatious body that she shows off by wearing expensive, designer suits and outfits. Her shoulder length brown hair is usually styled in either curls or straightened. No matter what, she always tries to look her best. Not only because she likes to, but because she knows her good looks can be a weapon just as much as anything else.

There's not much known about Lilah Morgan before she joined Wolfram and Hart mostly because she never talks about her past, because to her it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who she was before, because she has long since become someone else entirely. She has made deals with the devil over and over again to reach where she's gotten at Wolfram and Heart and she doesn't regret a moment of it.

Lilah is out to save herself more than anything else. She knows she's had to try twice as hard as the men in her company, and as she aptly puts it to Angel once, it's not a feminist thing, it's a survival thing. She will not hesitate to threaten, back stab, or even kill her coworkers in order to secure her own standing and get ahead.

There are few and far between signs of Lilah caring about someone other than herself. One of these signs is her mother. It is heavily hinted at that one of the original reasons she became a lawyer for Wolfram and Hart was her mother's Alzheimer's disorder. She states canonly that her pay keeps her mother in the top care, despite the fact that her mother cannot even remember her anymore. Clearly, she must at least care about her mother still if she not only bothers to keep her in good care, but keeps in contact with her as well despite how badly her mother's condition had deteriorated.

The only other times she's seen as having feelings for someone else, and being almost vulnerable is Wesley. Though their affair starts out as something physical, a plan to manipulate him into joining Wolfram and Hart the thing neither one of them expects happens: she falls for him. So much that she even dresses up as Fred, the object of his obsession, in order to try to keep him around. After she dies, and her ghost haunts him she tells him that loving him is the only real thing she's ever felt. Though it's left ambiguous whether this ghost is real or just an apparition of his guilt, it's a clear hint that at the very least, she cared him a lot more than she let on. This touched again in her final episode, "Home", when Wesley tries to free her from her contract with Wolfram and Hart. It doesn't work, but she's moved that he tried. It's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for her in her life. Or after life, as the case was.

Her feelings and relationship with Welsey, however, does not affect her work. She still goes after his friends, though she does spare Lorne when he's being tortured for information because he's a friend of Wesley, which shows that she's not as completely unaffected as she claims to be. Though I'll be taking her from an earlier canonpoint, this is still good insight to how she normally functions.

Although Lilah is bullied into helping Angel Investigations a few time, unlike Lindsey, her loyalties never waver. She's always on the side of Wolfram and Hart, and more importantly herself. She doesn't seen any nobility in "fighting the good fight" or "being good." She doesn't believe the world is as black and white as they all make it out to be anyways. There isn't just good and evil, there's a whole lot of middle ground there to play in, and that's what she's most comfortable immersing herself in.

She's also an extremely prideful person. She's fought long and hard to get where she is, and she wears her armor and sharp tongue with pride. When she lets the demon Billy victimize herself, a talking to from Cordelia (another once proud wearer of the title "vicious bitch") encourages her to take the power back by confronting Billy and killing him herself. She's many things, but a victim is not one of them.

To keep ahead of the game she's had to learn to be very cunning, to always try to stay one step ahead of the competition. Of course, if you ask her, she'd say it wouldn't be hard when her competition was idiots like Lindsey or Gavin. Still, it's better to be safe than sorry. So she's always coming up with a new plot, some new way to try to get to Angel. Just because nothing's worked yet doesn't mean nothing will eventually. She's nothing if not persistent. She's also extremely observant, knowing just which cards to play to get to someone. When she wants to manipulate Angel into helping her release Billy from a hell dimension, she knows the best way to do that is by going through Cordelia ("That Vision Thing").

But even then, there's often things she misses just because of her inability to really empathize with people. This is especially shown with Wesley who you can push the right buttons of to get him to start an affair with her, but she's never quite able to get him to completely abandon the good fight. She never truly understands his conviction.


Canon point: End of 2x18 "Dead End"

Special Abilities: None. She's completely human, though she has dabbled a little in magical rituals and things like that for her work. She is a badass lawyer who loves busting balls though, if that counts as a special ability. She likes to think it does.

Sect: Sith. Lilah is evil and self serving through and through. She'd see joining the Sith as an easier way to gain power, and go for it right away. Not to mention, she likes evil. It's fun making other people's lives hell.

Job: There probably isn't much use for a lawyer in the Star Wars world, but I could see her getting involved in politics or negotiations, something like that.


First Person:
[The feed opens up to Lilah sitting on her bed, one leg crossed over another. She is still only in her underwear and bra, but otherwise seems pretty serious. Very straight to business.]

...I kind of figured if I wasn't going to get the promotion, they'd just you know, kill me. It's kind of the usual around Wolfram and Hart. I'd think sending me into an alternate dimension, or you know, space would just be a little too much effort for someone they're getting rid of.

Of course, who am I to question the Senior Partners?

Besides, not being a dead? Always a plus.

Of course, there's always a chance they haven't made their decision just yet. Lindsey, if this was some way to get me out of the running? This is pretty pathetic, even for you. Which is saying something, considering the general patheticness you've been oozing lately.

So, all that said, where exactly is this place? And more importantly, where do I find some clothes? I like my designer underwear as much as the next girl, but something to cover it up would be nice. Can't give it all away for free, you know?

[And with that, the feed cuts out.]

Third Person: This is from a later canon point, but if that's a problem please let me know, and I can do a new sample

Anything Else: idk who Jolee Bindo is but blue milk sounds gross.

app, counted_stars

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