Another Monday on another week of another month....

Sep 08, 2003 18:29

My weekend sucked, all I did was work, except saturday. My parents and I went on our baot to Round Valley Resevior, and I got alittle sunburned, but it's all good still. I finally finished working on my cars underbody, its all tarred and paint for conservation. sweet. and I put new pins in the hinges of the passenger side doors, but my dad and I forgot to put the spring back in the door so it like opens way too easily hehe. All I need now is new ceiling liner cause its dropping, and I need a cd player because I hate the radio = ). School is SO boring. Everyone has been getting homework but me. watch it all come at once in big heaps and loads. senior should be liad back, but as my history teacher put it "...UNLESS you were stupid enough to take IB!" LMAO! I couldn't believe that, it was a moment like in the movies when someone says something and it usts echos for a couple seconds. gotta love Linden high. yet I hate it just as much hehe. The kids at my school are SO fucking lazy and immobile. They're not only fat, but stupid. So far I only have 6 other guys for Cross Country, or CxC as I like to call it. This is bullshit! where is some school spirit or feeling for athletics??? does everyone only do soccer or football!?! fucking gay american kids. no wonder so many of them are fat, they would rather sloth and slobber around with teir lard asses than join CxC and run hardcore style. I remember when I did a sort of recruiting for CxC back in June during the freshman orientation, no one wanted to join. I callled them muthafuckas out and said "HOW MANY OF YOU THINK YOU AN RUN 7 MILES FOR PRACTICE!?!". what does that say to you? My school and town suck. The kids are careless and have no lives. They are the epitome of gay. I only hope to break my own time and get a time around 18-19 minutes, maybe even beat a few Cranford, Westfield, and Scotch Plains kids. w/e... its Senior year, it doesn't matter!!! ; D

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