How to make a burymyheart
3 parts success
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts joy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of curiosity and enjoy!
Personality cocktailFrom I got a really cool new phone recently. It's the one that I've wanted for awhile, the Nokia 3565 (at least I think that's the one). It's the one that's shaped sort of weird and has a round dial thing with a HUGE screen.
Man, I've got really bad allergies right now, they're no fun. My mom bought me this cool desk for my birthday and I've spent the last two days trying to assemble it. I finally finished the last of it last night, it was a pretty big task and I'm very proud of myself for doing it all alone.
Ok, I'm off to take a nap before I have to punch back in for work. Hope everybody's summer is going well.