Mar 22, 2004 22:53
this week is going to be soo much fun and soo eventful...
last night i went to see sad state at club extreme it was pretty silly.. it was like a practice haha i couldnt even tell what songs they were playign.. but were playign w/ them saturday anyways..
soo back to whats going on this week.
tomorrow (tuesday) i have work
wednsday is cast aside, blacklisted and in the red in west philly going to be alot of fun.. me creez krista and bill are going and i havent hung out w/ krista for awhile so it should be fun
thursday work
friday.. i have a half day and im skipping my prom for the death threat show which is going to be soooo much fun
saturday.. our first show..
friday march 27th at the basement in washington township
roundhouse NJ
pride kills
dead and buried
skare tactic
doors at 6 30 4 bucks i believe
IM patdeyoungkills for more info
this is going to be a hell of a first show... im pumped.. the demos will be done by then and everyone better pick one up..
this is going to be great..