self explanitory.

May 11, 2004 18:08

basicaly explains the stage Im at, at this point in my life.

nothing much has changed. jeremys here.. thats cool. Im really starting to miss the people I cared the most about, even if the thought is lame I miss you all. I always think about what it would be like if I hadnt moved. but Ill be back one day, youll see.
dear you, there are many things I want to say to you, just cant find the words for them. I will one day, just give me some time. so I dont leave you with nothing.. it has alot to do with my past, and I know you dont know much.. but Im sure you know enough to get Q'ed in on some extent.<3me.

Randie, I dedicate this one to you..

Candypunk360: do you guys still care about this shit or are you over it yet
anGelsmORbideYe: oh go away.
Candypunk360: sam said you were waiting for me to talk to you
anGelsmORbideYe: in person, but its obvious you are to afraid or something? to do so.
Candypunk360: No, not afraid I just really don't give a shit any more it's immature to sit there and dwell on the past so im over it. If you aren't then i'm sorry but whatever.
anGelsmORbideYe: what the hell are you talking about, hunny, your the one that first brought this about.
anGelsmORbideYe: you are just a silly confused child.
anGelsmORbideYe: I did nothing to rela, so there was no reason to come after me... nor did I do anything to you.
Candypunk360: well HONEY i'm about 2 years older then you, i didnt throw one egg at your house or bens car so believe me or not youre the confused one
anGelsmORbideYe: as far I can remember, you stared it, and I plan to finish it.
Candypunk360: it had nothing to do with rela it was randi
anGelsmORbideYe: oh no no... you dont know the first thing about me, let alone how old I am.
anGelsmORbideYe: then why was my house egged?
Candypunk360: they were drunk and bored kind of like stefan and everyone last weekend when they did it to louies house
anGelsmORbideYe: yeah. I didnt find out about that till later on.. but still point is you made threats to me, you im'ed me talking all your bullshit and really, thats childish... cause the egging thing, I really could give a shit less about, because this isnt even my house.... it was your pathetic annoyances that made me angry.
Candypunk360: you did the same thing; I mean one time i saw you "moch" hit me in the head when i was talking to Joey
anGelsmORbideYe: now your saying you to mature for this? when you made treats to kill us?... you are out of your ownleague.
anGelsmORbideYe: yeah, cause I clearly dont like you.
Candypunk360: As I said I don't care anymore; randie made similar threats and people said you were getting "crews" on what's that about? And I dont much care for you either thats why I just want this shit to stop. Both sides acted juvenile in the way this was handled so what's the point in pointing fingers?
anGelsmORbideYe: you want this shit to stop, darling, you are the one that stared it. you could have just kept your fucking mouth shut and nothing would have happened... but no you had to run around like little miss. xtuffx girl that you think you are and start problems. again, you are out of your own league.... now I see why you and rela are friends.
Candypunk360: obviously you dont coz we arent and im not "playing" little miss. tough girl; i'm just trying to finally settle this like an adult and forget about the rest of this shit but you wont let it be settled maturely
anGelsmORbideYe: WHY? you started it, you should be ready to finish it.. did you finally relize that we will take you.. that we OWN you. just shut up and try talking to me in person for once... then maybe youll see you made a mistake... maybe youll see that I am a awsome person in which everyone should and will know.... I am the nicest, sweetest person in the world if you let me.. but if you go attacking me and my friends the way you did... you started something that is not yet finished.
Candypunk360: well im sorry you feel that way; i'll talk to you tomorrow before school under the condition of no name calling or fighting ......bye
anGelsmORbideYe: at that, even if I am the kindest person you could know.. I am elite as fuck. I seriously think I am better then some people... (#1 being you) try putting me down.. it wont fase me at all... call me a hoe-bag when you drive by, I fucking love it.
Candypunk360: ok im glad that youre so self-confident, bye
anGelsmORbideYe: so am I.
Candypunk360 signed off at 6:07:06 PM.

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