Character Relations

Jan 13, 2030 01:23


Marceline's best friend! Or ex-best friend. It's complicated. They've been friends since Peebles was a kid, and Marceline really treasures that friendship. An Incident happened and they had a bit of a falling out, and then the stuff with the Door Lord went down, so Marceline's not sure where exactly their relationship is on the Friendship vs. Rivalry scale. Marceline, at least, cares about PB a lot, more than she'd care to admit, and those feelings run pretty deep.

Her second-best friend! Hanging with Finn is never boring, and it's fun to troll him. It may seem hard to see at some times, but Marceline really does care about him. He's almost like a little bro to her.


Another vampire, and Marceline's "husband". He's a funny dude! A bit overdramatic, but some vampires are like that, and she can respect that. Everyone's got their own image, after all. She just wish she could understand the sardine thing...

Marceline's "son". She's still trying to get to know him! He seems like a good kid, at least, and he can cook, so at least he has some sort of use around the house.


Bluh bluh will get to this soon!!!


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