
Feb 22, 2008 18:00

1. Are you wearing a necklace?

2. Does your computer have a mouse? yeap.

3. Who are the main people you chill wit in each of your classes?  aloe. mara. inah. patty. banji. ranee. etc.

4. Do you have a cut in your nose? no

5. Are you rich? nope.

6. How many bedrooms do you have in your house? 3

7. What song are you listening to? none.

8. Do you have any older siblings? 3

9. What is the last thing you ate? Nerds.

10. Who was the last person to come over your house?  my uncle.

11. Who was the last person that called you?  Agie. [PRESIDENT! : )]

12. Who was the last person you texted? janel.

13. What time is it? who cares.

14. What should you be doing? a lot of other things.

15. Who is the last person you imed? meg.

16. Did you go out to eat yesterday? nope.

17. What are you thinking right now? you don't wanna know.

18. What color is your shirt? green,

19. What color is your keyboard? black

20. What do you feel like eating? anything.

21. Are you in college? nope.

22. What is the last real word you wrote? morphine.

23. Are you bored? uh huh

24. How many teeth do you have? all of them

25. Miss anyone right now? sure

26. What color are your shoes? black.

27. Are your toes painted? nope.

28. Last thing you drank? water

29. Last real word you typed? water

30. Who do you love? my family and my friends

31. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I have girl[space]friends.

32. What time is it now? who cares.

33. What are you looking at? the computer screen

34. What's the last word you said? what

35. Do you have lipgloss on? nope.

36. Do you have eyeliner on? nope.
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