Jun 03, 2005 01:34
holy cow
i dunno what you cats are up to, but i'm sitting here listening to miles davis and classical music, and it's blowing my mind.
also- i'm fucking done with college. it's a weird feeling. i'm not sure how i feel about it, but i'm very excited about beig done...
i feel so inspired to write. to write plays and novels and...
sorry kinda drifted off there. (the music is very intense) so here's the question- am i feeeling stoned because of the music i'm listening to, or for some other reason?
here's my plan- i'm going to write a play with three titles: like the title of my play; or insert the name of the play here; or this is the name of the play i'm going to write. only the titles won't be that conneceted. kay i just had to fart (i'm been having really bad gas lately. (it's kind of a probelm. i'm not entirely sure what's causing it).
anyways. so the piece of theater (so pretentious, i love it) will have three names, that won't be particulary connected, and the play will be like a fugue.
in other words, the play will be afeu will be a fugue. (dammit, i keep typeing e before the u).
so anways, the show will have three stories going on at once. i'm not sure if it will maybe simultaneous somehow, or what, but there will be threee unrelated play and stories happening at once, and each play will correspond to one of the titles.
sorry for my crappy spelling. (i'm not entirly sober). as if you couldn't tell.
jesus. reading back up at what i've posted- it's complete gibberous at parts. i love it.
are you guys ever amazed at what your writing? I mean, do you ever stare at your paper in wonder as words are printed on it?
I mean, i know i'm writing on the page or i know that i'm typing, but if i take a step back, it can blow my mind to see these word appear out of seemingly no where. i know what is coming next, and so it's not really a surprise, but still these words slowly appear. it's intense.
i've missed writing stream of conscious. i used to do them all the time in sophmore english class.
it's different typing and not writing with pen and paper. i like writing much better than typing.
i think my writing shows the difference between focused thoughts and unfocused thoughts. those drift and wonder weave in and out. no one has heard them before.
thoughts that are snatched from out there. the ether (if you will)
but focues thoughts are clean and direct and to the point and people can understand them.
jesus. i'm fucking stoned
i think it's time to go to bed.
good night.
sleep tight
don't let the bed bugs bite.
(so fucking creepy)
love you all