happy new years!

Jan 02, 2005 20:57

"hey, so this is cam, and i just wanted to call and wish you a happy new years!
love you,

so yeah. i had a pretty solid new years, but then i called my parents and this one girl to wish them a happy holidays, and then preceeded to drunk dial all of my freinds (some people multiple times) in my phone book. i called some people that i hadn't talked to in years.

i feel like a lot of you who read this probably allready know what i did a few nights ago, but whatever. it's slightly embarrasing- i don't remeber all who i called, and what i said, but i defintly rememeber telling everyone i loved them. good times. i've realized that while some people are angry or agressive drunks, i am an affectionate drunk... i told my mom this (she said i sounded very 'happy' on my message. drunk dialing the fam... don't think i'll do that again. anyways) and she said that i'm not an very angry person by nature. that some people have a lot of anger just under the surface, and alchol removes those barriers.

so i don't know what it means that i have a lot of affection under the surface, but it amuses me that i've latly been telling people i love them and kiss people on the cheek when i've been drinking. i don't mean anything by it- it's all very sincere. i guess it's a good think i love my freinds so much, i guess.

so, on a semi- related note: my grammer in an ealier post sucks, but there is this one girl i really do like. i get so awkard and nervous around her- i feel butterflies and everything. i kinda like being in this early stage with a girl; i've missed it. plus she's really hot. plus she thought i was intindimating when she first met me- which is kind of a weird ego boost in a way. but whatever. so yeah. i like her. i told her that, and she was like "is that it?" i'm not quite sure what she was driving at... but more importantly, she likes me. so yeah. I don't know my point, but there it is.

on another, semi- related note: i think it's interesting that i am concerned about grammer "I really like quite a bit this one girl" when my spelling sucks. also, when i don't use any cappitalization.

a third, directly related note (to the girl i like, not grammer): the zoo is kinda werid. it hasn't changed since at all in the past ten years, plus when you go in the winter, the animals are cold and arent' playing. well, the polar bear was. also- i have really bad luck, i think. it was nice weather on monday: really nice, (realitivly) warm and sunny. it was nice a tuesday. i go to the zoo on wednesday: not nice- cold and rainy. but then it is nice weather on thursday and then today. whatever.

my fourth note alltogether, second directly related one the the girl i like: i think it's really funny how embarrassed we used to be (like in middle school especially) to let people know who we liked. "cam, who do you like?" "i'm not telling you!" "i know who likes you!" "oh no! sheila knows i like her!"
worst thing ever.

so yeah.
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