Apr 06, 2005 18:41
blah. you all suck for being too busy to come get food with me. damn you and your lives! haha. i've still been good about my whole 'no-meat' thing, surprisingly. i dont know why i decided no more chicken, since thats the only meat i've had for the past few months anyway...
i've been in suuuchh a weird mood. when i'm with people, i can be/seem perfectly happy, but as soon as nobodys around, everythings so different. and i start thinking about half the things i've said over the day and realize that most of it is either something i dont really believe or something i'm saying just because. and of course anything that i should say, i dont, and later on freak out about. i dont think i've ever been 100% honest about anything that has real importance. not saying that i LIED, just didn't necesarily say what i was thinking, or what was going on. i dont know, half the time there's something i really want to say, but either never get the nerve, or just decide against it for some reason. and of course when i do say something, it usually comes out completely wrong and i end up screwing something up. like i said, i'm good at that.
on a happier note, its sunny outside, which means i went to the barn, and i'm going running in a few minutes...
it also means i got no work done.. why is it only sunny in the last week of the quarter??? talk about my luck... ten bucks says it'll rain the whole time i'm in vegas... haha the irony...
alright... time to go running before it gets too dark.. haha i'm such a girl- the aqueduct at night scares me...
ps- am i really THAT scary?? i mean, i can't be THAT hard to talk to can i?