Sep 14, 2004 15:02
I feel like I never update unless something is wrong...
if anyone actually reads this they probably get the wrong idea about my life... so let me clarify
My life is actually good... i mean it had is lows as any life should... Meg and I have been together for a lil over 7 months now, Paul and I are roomates at Geneseo and are slowly making new friends, besides that not much else is new/exciting but everything is good for the most part.
I like 4/5 of my classes... and i actually do all the reading and work for them which is like a revelation in my life... My humanities class however somehow unofficially became a conversion to buddhism philosophy class... we dont read anything that the other classes read, only things that my professor has written about enlightenment and removing dukkah from our lives... GAH!
but anyways...
Meg and I went to Niagra Falls for my 19th birthday and had a good time just the 2 of us... we left the casino with 50 bucks after entering with 25... that was after of course they gave me a hard time about my licence saying that they had never seen anyone change their appearance that much in 3 years... i guess i should get my picture re-taken.
since i've been to school i went up to Gordon for a visit... it was weird but good to see people at the same time
and last weekend paul and i went to visit his cousin at UB and we went to the SU vs. UB football game which was pretty boring but then we ended up hanging out with Marielle and her friends that night
alrighty well if you read this i hope we still keep in touch... drop me an email or IM if we dont cuz i'd love to hear what ur up to.