Nov 28, 2004 10:12
ALright. I finally got all my columbia shit together. I had the app. filled out. I had my transcripts. I had my medical shit. I had my essay. I had my letter of reccomendation. I lost my letter of reccomendation. Im fucking retarted. I dont know where it is. I need to have it in a couple weeks, or i will miss the deadline. I am getting more and mroe distrought as every day goes on.It is either in my car, or in my room. I am going ot need to get proactive on that. Work is going well. I made $250 this weekend, and i only spent 50 of it so far. Ive got almost 400 in my checking account, and that is sweet. The holidays are coming up, and I need to buy gifts for some people. Brett, My sister, Jill, More for Jacquie, Lacey, and Julie. I know what im getting everyone except lacey and brett. I love buying gifts for people.Ive spent a ton on everyone this holiday, and I feel good about it. Duel gunnz is rocking. ALbum should be out soon. I like going into discount, and all the employees ask me about it. Its cool. I think we need to get about 5 more songs done, and then it will all be post production from there. The last couple times i have worked with jill till six, we have gone shopping in the morning. Its been fun, I dont really see her outside of work too often. San Andreas is going well, although I am still on the first island. THis dude tim is calling me up around11 or 12, and we are going out to some card shop somewhere. that should be fun. I wont get to see jacquie untill monday, and then only at her house for 2 weeks. THis sucks on alot of levels. First, WE wont be able to go out to dinner or movies, or whatnot. SEcondly, This could mean no sex for 2 weeks. That would suck a lot, as the sex is amazing. I think I might stop up at her work today if i get back from the card shop in time. I havent seen her in two days, and I miss her like crazy. Its pathetic.No one has ever made me as happy as she has. Its been over seven months, and i love her more than I ever did. IM very content at how things are going for me right now. IM getting along well with my family, and my friends are great. Im gonna jet. LAta.