73 / 16 - Amazed

Nov 21, 2004 13:27

Last night they played our song twice. It´s an amazing feeling to look upon a room full of people and everybody is singing along with them. To see all those people singing your lyric, smiling. Jólagjöfin í ár.

I am more content than I have been for a long time. Maybe it´s beacause everything that took on is over, the argument contest, the one man show, and the short film contest. "Namtab in Motion - The seven deadly sins" took the price for the best film. I was so determined to be busy and not let myself wither up and die, that I agreed to do everything that came my way, not seeing that I didn´t really have the time to do it all. But I did and now I have time to sleep.

I´n in love with live. Feeling better than I have for a long time and I have you to thank for it.

There was a party at my place after the dance last night. I wasn´t invited. I was a sleep. Hope they had fun.

Kemur í hillurnar 10. des.

Ég vill vera með þér
I´m glad. Thanks for the e-mail.

The smell of you skin
The taste of you kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me, baby you surround me
You touch everyplace in my heart
Oh it feels like the first time every time
I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes

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