just like a drum my heart is jumping like a trampoline

Aug 11, 2013 00:39

Laundry is all washed and dried and halfway folded. I'm probably going to end up hiding some stuff in my room just to clean it up because I ran out of time to clean. Good thing I've got plenty of hidey holes in my room lol.

Made a run earlier to the grocery store to pick up a few odds and ends. Ended coming home with mai tai mix (yum yum), hibiscus jam, and brownie stuffed chips ahoy. I am mildly disappointed with the fact that the brownies are not especially noticeable, but I am more disappointed by how few cookies were in the package. Only fifteen, but at least it's a number I'm fond of.

Now I am drinking a mai tai and catching up on Project Runway. I'm very sad the unicorn boy got sent home because I had a lot of fun yelling at him for being an ignorant douchewhistle.

Sandra is arriving in a little over twelve hours and I am freaking out in the best way possible.

relationship: food, project runway, sandra

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