Oh man!!!

May 24, 2006 14:52

I officially have .5 days left of HS!!! *dances* I'm excited and scared and sad all at the same time. It's gonna be amazing being out of that place...But sad too because I won't see everybody on a daily basis like I'm used to.

Today we got our Senior Scrapbooks back...Mom wrote me a letter and Starkey put it in there. I read it and cried like a little kid. It was so sweet!!! So I gave my mommy a huge hug when I came in here. Cookie was making fun of me. Stupid boy. HAHA.

Senior picnic, and choir concert are both tomorrow. I also have to say something to my choir as words of wisdom before class ends tomorrow. I'm gonna cry alot. No joke.

So yeah, prom is friday!!!! WOOHOO!!! Heh...And of course I am gonna be teh hawtness. LMAO. I lurve my dress...It's pretty much amazing.

Okay, I'm peeling..Eww...And I have roughly an hour before I have to be back at the school to pick up Mickey from weight lifting. *sigh* So I'm off to see if Puppy left me a message.
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