Home from another exciting shift in the ER. I diagnosed constipation - twice! I saw a girl who was arrested on Monday and came to the ER today because she had pain in her back from when the cops pinned her to the floor. She's been in pain for four days but came in today for "documentation" of it. Mind you, her doctor's office is a stone's throw away from the ER. There was other crap but that crap floated to the top.
Inspired by
Dr. Caron's blog post today, I provide you with the inner contents of my bag.
In the upper left corner, you've got my bag, cough drops, OTC cold medication (that isn't working for shit), and some ibuprofen. Moving clockwise is my PALS card, pocket guide to resuscitation, wallet, coffee mug, and an article on a clinical decision rule about getting CT heads in minor peds head trauma. On top of that article is a random piece of paper (oh, it's the d/c summary on a patient I saw in the ER today), my prescription pad and my patient cards from the ER. To the right of that is some kleenex, my water bottle, and my sunglasses case that my friend Amy bought me for my birthday last year because I kept dinging up my sunglasses in my bag.
Just below that are some highlighters, hand sanitizer, and my inhaler (damn cough!). Moving more clockwise is my ID badge and pager (always attached to each other when they're not on me so I can find them easier), my stamper, and some lotion. Then we have my beat-up Maxwell's (held together only by the binder clip at this point), two month-by-month calendars (no idea why!), some gum, a handful of pens and my calculator.
Continuing to move clockwise you will find my "random shit" folder - it contains filler paper, procedure cards, articles, and lists of articles for the lit search I did for the research I'll be starting in a couple of months (God and program director willing). On top of the folder is my iPod and earbuds, some Kiehl's lip gloss, a list of people who owe me money for the PL-3 gift, and a sample of Eucerin Calming Creme I'm using on my bright red nose (thank the nurses for taking pity on me).
Things that are usually in there but weren't: my phone and my stethoscope. My phone is on the desk by me and my "ears" were around my neck when I came home so they ended up...uh...somewhere.
After dumping my bag, I didn't realize how much crapola was in there! What the hell do I need TWO calendars for?
I'm off to do something about this cough. It's either that or cough myself into a pneumomediastinum. Bleah.
Moment of Burrito: "It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem." - Malcolm Forbes