
Feb 05, 2008 20:09

The Troll Stick was in full effect today. I encountered a number of people I mentally whacked upside their stupid heads today. Most were just collateral damage to the shit of the day but in general, the stupid people were attracted to me all day.

Two disgusting events that occurred today:
1. On the way up to clinic, I rode in the elevator with a guy who was a standardized patient. For the genital exam. Barf. I'm amazed I recognized him. (No, his bits were not on the outsides of his pants - GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER.)

2. The last patient of the day (a teenage girl who acts half her age that I'd like to rid myself of because there's no talking about ANYTHING with her because she's immature and she's so immature I'm afraid she's going to end up with STDs and a baby soon) brought her dad with her. I entered the exam room and (if you've recently ingested food or drink you may want to wait on reading this) her dad. was. cutting. his. fingernails. Oh, and then dusting the clips off his pants onto the floor. I get nauseated at the mere thought. BARF.

After I got the vomit taste out of my mouth, I headed back to the hospital to grab the shuttle and proceeded to get on the wrong shuttle. No big, just waited 'til the shuttle took me back to the hospital. Also this worked out in my favor as I had to pee. I hop on the correct shuttle and hear one of the fellow shuttle drivers on the radio say something about I-81 being backed up for about 4-5 miles. Mind you, this is the way the shuttle bus gets me back to the stadium. The bus driver takes us on a whirlwind tour of the north side and all the corner "pharmacists" before making it to the stadium. It took me an hour to get back to my car tonight. I went and voted, got dinner, and am now calling it officially a night. I have more important things to do right now, like watch Idol.

Moment of Burrito: "It's like your X chromosome got lazy and lost an arm." - Dr. Bifano to Nick (with love, of course)

residency, nicu

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