
Jan 23, 2008 22:52

Last night I went to bed with a mild sore throat and a bit of the dry-rot feeling in my left sinus. I owed it to not having had much water to drink all day.

This morning I woke up with a mild touch of Swahili Death Flu that has progressively worsened over the course of the day. My nose is a faucet I can't fix. My upper back is all achy. My gut is all rumbly-bumbly. However, this did not stop my from going to trivia night at my local watering hole. I met some folks from work there and impressed them that I knew Wyoming was the first state in the Union to allow women the right to vote. I had a burger (yes, perhaps not the wisest choice but I crave junk when I'm sick and who am I to deny myself that right?!) and a pint of beer (it has healing properties...I'm sure I can find an article on it).

Now I'm home. I've finished my quick presentation for tomorrow on effects of timing of urinary tract infection in post-renal transplanted children. Wheeeeee.

To bed with soon as I drink some more water.

Moment of Burrito: "It's not the hours you put in your work that counts, it's the work you put in the hours." - Sam Ewing

nephrology, residency, friends, illness

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