Like hell, but worse

Nov 14, 2007 22:10

Biiiig mistake taking triage calls this morning. I was busy as all get out from 8 until 12:30 today. They were the typical run-o'-the-mill calls: barfing all night, snotty noses, needing this med called in, etc. I encountered some painfully, um, simple parents (including the one mom that couldn't describe to me what her 1-month-old's poop looked like, even though she had just changed the poopy diaper) but most were of an agreeable lot. The hell part came in when I tried to step away from the phone momentarily - the pager would always go off. It's like I was on closed circuit TV or something.

I made it to the conference for about an hour. I was recognized by one of my attendings (and applauded by the staff) as the cog in the machine that allowed the conference to happen, as I was the that volunteered to take triage calls so the whole nursing staff could participate in the kumbaya/team building/bitch session exercise. Because of some comments I made (I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut) I was invited by our business manager to be involved in some PI (process improvement) projects going on in our outpatient department. If it earns me brownie points, I'll take 'em.

The first coat of chianti is up on the wall. Even as Chris was rolling it on, the whole room just started to look different. I love it. Hopefully the next coat will go up tomorrow and then we'll start on the raffia cream color and trim.

Moment of Burrito: "People forget how fast you did a job - but they remember how well you did it." - Howard Newton

opd, house, residency, nablopomo

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