Jul 27, 2006 22:09
Sean (aka Senior Asshole) was the snarkiest I've ever seen him. I think 4A has finally fried his brain. He was a freaking riot during signout. One gem I can recall on a kid who had a colonoscopy today: "Yeah, get me one of those, too because her dad has been up my ass for the last two days." Today was crazy. We had a ton of admissions. I was upstairs doing an admission on a nephrology patient and when I came downstairs an hour and a half later, they had admitted three patients. Our chief Julie was even doing orders for us at one point.
Sean even had lunch with Maryellen (our med student) and I this afternoon - the first time this month. I think he did a great job at managing the unmanageable this month and that over the last three weeks especially, things have flowed 100% smoother and he's loosened up quite a bit.
I had my evaluation with Dr. G today. She asked me how I think I did before giving me any feedback. I told her I think I did a fairly good job keeping things organized and together and that I felt like I worked well as part of a team. On the flip side, I know that my discharge summaries suck (they could be organized better, more concise, and flow better) and that I need to get better at time management. She told me that she thought I was doing a great job and that I was performing at a level slightly above what she would expect for an intern after the first month of residency. She said that my performance reflects my abilities as a physician and not the fact that I went to medical school here. She also paid me the best compliment of my life thus far: she said that I will develop into the kind of senior resident that attendings will like and will sleep better at night knowing that they're on duty in the hospital. I totally wasn't expecting that at all. I'm always more critical of myself than others are and I think that's a safe way to play. Still, feels good to know I'm loved and wanted. :)
The part at Dr. B's was tonight. We were in her garage on account of the weather. It was a nice time - very relaxed and informal. Everyone brought excellent food. It was also nice to catch up with people I haven't seen in a while because I've only been to clinic twice this month.
Tomorrow will mark my last 24 hours on 4A. The nurses are actually sad to see me go. Dori said she'd miss me. I reminded her I'd be back after Thanksgiving, which she remarked was too far away.
The kid I admitted as my first patient as an intern was discharged today. My cute little booger. I hope he does well.
I do believe it's time for me to go to bed. It's going to take me forever to fall asleep in this heat.
Moment of Burrito: "What the fuck are you fucking thinking, dude? Are you fucking out of your fucking mind? Fuuuuuuck." - Sean, mid-snark about something