I swear, the man has used up 8.9 of his 9 lives.
After requiring intubation yesterday for worsening respiratory status, he continued to try to die again today. His labs all looked crappy and he continued to be
acidotic. This afternoon as I was getting ready to go over to committee, Matt (the chief resident on vascular/transplant) runs over to us and asks rather hurriedly where Dr. S is (the transplant surgeon I worked with last year). Dr. S happens to be sitting with us and Matt spits out that Mr. Fucked has a
hematocrit of 7. Seven. This is a lab value that should be between 40 and 50 in men. Not seven.
This, my friends, is NOT GOOD.
They rush him to the OR and as I found out after committee (I had to go back because I forgot my water bottle), he had an unexplained leak from a branch of his
superior mesenteric vein and had a seriously large
hematoma in his belly.
He's alive. He made it. But for the grace of somethingorother, he pulled through. He's by no means out of the woods yet but if there was anyone that could have made it, it's him. I've seen this guy come back from close to the great beyond so many times now and I honestly thought he wasn't going to make it this time around. But he did.
And he's now back on the SICU service. Looks like I'll be stopping by to see him in the morning.
Otherwise, a fairly calm day. Dr. K gave a great grand rounds on current management of breast cancer (not that it's something I'll ever have to deal with in the professional sense, but it was very well done and informative from a general medical perspective). Committee was also good. We've gotten down to about three weeks behind (which is excellent, considering that a month ago, we were about six weeks behind). Today we accepted one of the kids I interviewed and I came home today to find out that three others I interviewed had been accepted (we often split our committee so that we can get through more files in a given time span and sometimes I don't know what happened to kids I interviewed).
I'm also pleased to report that I got five hours of sleep last night. Granted, the assist goes to benadryl and I was a bit groggy this morning but I am just happy that I slept. It took just over 30 minutes to fall asleep and I slept straight through until my alarm went off this morning. I put a pillow over my clock (the face glows a bit in the dark and it prevented me from checking the time) and I switched from the classical station to ESPN radio. I'm going to do the benadryl again tonight and depending on how things go, I might go without tomorrow night. It's a work in progress.
And I totally forgot, but Happy (Belated) Birthday to
unrepentant. Hope you had a great day!
Gonna chug some fluids (damn anti-histamine effect!) and roll out.
Moment of Burrito: "Labs, schmabs. A good diagnostician reads between the labs." - Greg House, MD