Jul 18, 2014 17:33
To have spreads of food on our tables while you break your fast outside your demolished homes.
To have warm beds and roofs over our heads when we sleep while you hide under your kitchen table in fear throughout the night.
To fuss over our children and their eid clothes while you weep at the sight of your bleeding and dead ones.
To complain over the hassle of eid preparations while you cautiously leave your homes during the 5 hours to purchase basic necessities.
To grumble about our thirst as we fast while your children travel to other neighborhoods in search of clean water.
To take our parents for granted while your children tremble upon the death of theirs.
To be lazy to perform our prayers at the mosque while they storm into yours (ours) and decide who shall or shall not enter.
You are tested with hardship while we are tested with ease, surely much reflection is necessary on our part. For the Muslim ummah is one body, while you mourn over the loss of your loved ones, our hearts ache with every photograph, news report and video informing us about your pain. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Gaza. Spread awareness, fine. But then pray for them sincerely and contribute what you can. A Palestinian once told Singaporean visitors to Palestine, "We don't want your money, we just want your prayers".
P.S But they do need monetary aid for humanitarian efforts right now.