Let's see...
+ I watched Alvin and the chipmunks, 30 Days of Night and a few others. Alvin and the Chipmunks was actually kinda cute. Theodore will always be my favorite.
+ I joined
luceti yesterday!
+ I got my Drivers license this week! When the card came in I was amazed at how pale I was.
+ I got season one and two of LOST for my birthday! I got some new shoes too, and they make me very happy.
+ I bought 6teen too! Cartoons about teenagers working in the mall are awesome~
+ I haven't been feeling my Matt muse lately, and I keep trying to jog him awake.
+ Cramps! DX
+ I bought Tangled Webs!
moira_aoibheane, I'll finish it before your Hawaii trip so you can take it to read on the plane. I can lend you Twilight also if you want.
+ Store Manager is away on vacation for practically all of April so our store is on its way to turning to shit. Our Merchandiser had to quit so now I'm stuck with making sure the other Managers know what to change in the store.
...and that's about it I think!