Nov 21, 2009 17:30
So, it's the Christmas season at work now, which means we have Temps. For some reason all of ours are either slow as mud or dumb as mud. I know they're new and need to learn everything, but so far they just don't seem to get anything. LIKE BEING ON TIME. 10 am, isn't when you get to work, it's when you're on the floor and ready. Ugh, whatever. Everyone was new at one point.
I got the new Harvest Moon game for the DS this week. Who doesn't love farming fun and saving islands from peril.
I saw New Moon last night and I, personally, think it was much better in terms of directing. Overall though, after the beginning, it seemed too fast paced almost. Like they put in a lot of things from the book but the time line of the movie seemed to go by too fast. I noticed that they had a few lines from the third book in this movie too.
A few key points were;
- Kristen Stewarts crazy blinking making another appearance.
- The amazing amount of cat calls from females, young and old, when ever Jacob took his shirt off.
- Mike Newton gained weight.
- Not enough scene stealing from Charlie.
- I love Jasper, he needs more screen time. But that's what Eclipse is for.
new moon,